

Atelier - Swedish traditional singing

2 place Jean Normand, Rennes
Le Pont Supérieur – département musique (Rennes), en partenariat avec Le Royal College of Music de Stockholm, organise un atelier à destination du grand public autour du chant traditionnel suédois avec Susanne Rosenberg et Anne Wikenius.
L’atelier sera conduit exclusivement en anglais.
Inscription obligatoire : https://forms.gle/CnnNDqTQ2hhMGHsP7
“With blue-note and embellishment.”
Welcome to one day of Swedish traditional singing together in a Folk Song Lab session with folk singers Susanne Rosenberg & Anna Wikenius.
Lullabies, folk chorales, love songs and ballads, improvisation and more. During the day, we will also try out also some Scandinavian “Kulning” (herding call) and polyphonic singing.
There will also be short presentations on traditional singing and time for reflections and questions.
We welcome everyone interested in traditional singing, learning, and trying out new ideas.
ABOUT / Susanne Rosenberg
Susanne Rosenberg, a folk singer, and professor at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm has been a pioneer both in rediscovering the older Swedish style of traditional singing, including Kulning and using it in new artistic environments, involving cooperation with contemporary composers and directors, solo and with her own groups Rosenbergs Sjua, Rotvälta with which she has toured Europe, Asia, and the United States.
You can find her on Spotify and on her website www.heartbeatbreathe.com
ABOUT / Anna Wikenius
Anna Wikenius is a well experienced and educated vocal teacher. She holds a university degree in singing and vocal technique and a bachelor’s degree in Swedish folk music from the Royal College of Music in Stockholm. For the last 10 years, she has been doing recurrent workshops in Sweden and abroad and touring around the world with her vocal group Kongero and Swedish Finnish trio Folk’Avant Anna Wikenius is a teacher and director of studies at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm for the last 3 years.
– atelier SWEDISH TRADITIONAL SINGING / jeudi 27 avril 2023, 9h30-12h30 à 14h-17h, département musique du Pont Supérieur (2 place Jean Normand, 35200 Rennes – métro Le Blosne)
– Tarifs :
Gratuit pour les étudiant-e-s, personnels du Pont Supérieur et les élèves, professeur-e-s du CRR de Rennes, Brest et Nantes
40 € par atelier pour le grand public / 70 € pour les deux ateliers (atelier Polska le vendredi 28 avril). Règlement par chèque uniquement le Jour J. Le chèque devra être adressé à l’ordre du TRÉSOR PUBLIC.
Inscription obligatoire : https://forms.gle/CnnNDqTQ2hhMGHsP7
Contact :
Pour toute demande d’information : Tristan JÉZÉQUEL COAJOU / tjezequel@lepontsuperieur.eu

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